Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Source Book - Persona Journalistic Photography

Walter Astrada Agence France Presse

Ramzi Haidar Agence France Presse

Peter Morgan Associated Press

Narendra Shrestha European Pressphoto Agency

Kevin Frayer Associated Press

Karel Prinsloo Associated Press

Karel Prinsloo Associated Press

John Moore

Hussein Malla Associated Press

Chrisophe Simon Agence France Presse

Cherl Ravelo Reuters

Source Book - Thinking of Persona Projects

Luis Mallo Passengers

Luis' Project Passengers are photographs taken of his fellow passenger on New York Subway. Taken with a hidden camera in his coat his photos define New York in the early 1940s, a lot of which can still be seen during the colder days in New York.

Source Book - Thinking of Persona